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from « American Negro Songs »
by J. W. Work, 1940

O, steal away and pray
I’m looking for my Jesus
Steal away and pray
I’m looking for my Jesus
Steal away and pray
I’m looking for my Jesus
Can’t stay away 

Sinners, why don’t you pray?
Sinners, why don’t you pray?
Sinners, why don’t you pray?
I can’t stay away 


Seekers, why don’t you pray?
Seekers, why don’t you pray?
Seekers, why don’t you pray?
I can’t stay away 

Mourners, why don’t you pray?
Mourners, why don’t you pray?
Mourners, why don’t you pray?
I can’t stay away

 Brothers, why don’t you pray?Brothers, why don’t you pray?
Brothers, why don’t you pray?
I can’t stay away

This section is organized
by Spiritual Workshop
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