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O the gift of God is eternal life
O the gift of God is eternal life
And the wages of sin is death
When I was seeking Jesus
And thought He couldn’t be found
The grace of God came in my soul
And turn me all around

O the gift of God is eternal life
O the gift of God is eternal life
And the wages of sin is death
When first I got converted
I had no doubts at all
But I’ve had so many crosses
That I feel the least of all

O the gift of God is eternal life
O the gift of God is eternal life
And the wages of sin is death
I wonder where’s my dear mother
She’s been gone so long
I think I hear her shouting
Around the Throne of God

O the gift of God is eternal life
O the gift of God is eternal life
And the wages of sin is death
Yonder comes my brother
Whom I loved so well
But by his disobedience
Has made his home in hell.

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by Spiritual Workshop
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