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You can find the lyrics of a specific negro spirituals, by using one of these means.

See all the lyrics in alphabetical order

You can choose among all the lyrics available in our database.

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Or, if you know some of its words, you can use this “browser”.

site search by freefind

(Write the word(s) in the window under and click on “search”)

Find lyrics and music

Find musicsheets, click here

On the Besmark website you will find Lyrics and Scores from Old Time Spirituals

On singers.com you will find gospel arrangements.

If you want to have the lyrics and the music scores of a negro spiritual, you can buy some books at Section “Shop”, click here

Find records

Here are some addresses, where you can purchase records of old negro spirituals

You can have a look at the Venerable Music website.

A nice place to look for might also be oldies.com

This website is brought to you by Spiritual Workshop, Paris

You can send an email to question@negrospirituals.com

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